
Thursday 5 April 2012

Photos from a stop in Rennes some weeks ago.

This has been a crazy week at Sciences Po. On Tuesday the director of the school, Richard Descoings, passed away under strange circumstances in a New York hotel room. He was the man that redefined the vision of the Sciences Po and opened up access to disadvantaged students in France as well as to foreign students, so without him, I likely wouldn't have had the opportunity to study here. You can read more about the investigation here. Then yesterday, all the presidential candidates came to the Sciences Po campus to debate women's issues in advance of the April 22nd first round of elections. All the candidates, that is, except the president himself, whose security team declared the circumstances unfavourable due to the crowds of students chanting anti-Sarkozy slogans in the entrance hall. Disappointing, to say the least. 

Today I am headed to the south of France for the Féria de Pâques in Arles. The celebration marks the beginning of the bullfighting season, and there are bullfights, parades, and the course camarguaise, which is a competition in which young men try to grab a rosette from between the bulls horns. In the course camarguaise the bulls aren't harmed, which makes for a much happier ending. I'm hoping to get some work done on the train this afternoon on my way down so I won't have as much to do over the weekend. 

Enjoy the long weekend and happy Easter!

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